Shrinks most minimap icons and player portraits to a more appropriate diameter, increasing visual clarity.
List of changes:
Very Slightly Smaller:
- Pings.
- Champion death Skull x Crossbones.
- Player icons. There is still overlap in very close combat, but the minimum distance between players before they're intelligible is far lower than without this mod.
- Teleport/Recall/Yuumi border/Shen R/Twisted Fate R/Yorick R.
- Suggested jg path icons.
- Inhibitors.
- Kindred marks.
Very Smaller:
- Nexus.
- Destroyed Inhibitor.
Slightly Larger:
- Bard pickups.
- Jungle plants (when available).
- Tower plates tracker.
- Shopkeeper icon.
- Add color options, i.e., Red vs. Green, rather than blue.
- Unattackable tower is smaller (Tier 2 tower is smaller while Tier 1 is alive, etc), attackable towers are the same size, only caveat is the lack of a medium/low-hp-unattackable icon (exists only for full hp), so only full hp tower icons turn smaller when inhib respawns. Niche scenario sorta, mayb better this way.
Mod Information
Author: Moga
Mod Version: 1.3.0