Weakaura HUD Overhaul

Redesigns the HUD to resemble a WoW Weakaura HUD, solely to make it far easier to track ability cooldowns.

Most of your attention is centered around the middle of your monitor, and placing important HUD elements near the center of the screen makes it way easier to time smites with abilities or just to track cds in general. Alongside that, there are a few QoL changes like hiding the Q W E R D F text and squaring some text.

Note that this isn't really meant to be used above ~50 HUD scale as it will probably block too much of the center of your screen.

List of most changes:

  • Resizes Health bar to be taller and match the width of the ability icons. Also, the Health bar is now above the icons.
  • The Resource bar, i.e. Mana/Energy/Yone E is below the ability icons.
  • The ability level progress pips have been moved to the edge of and below their ability icon as they're not worthy of their own vertical space.
  • Resource cost, Resource bar, and Health bar text have been centered. Also, the player level text has been shifted slightly to actually be centered. (This might not be 100% effective below 15 HUD scale.)
  • Summoner spells have been resized to the normal size of the ability icons and placed on both sides of your abilities.
  • The white flare and gold endcaps on the Health and Resource bar have been removed.
  • Champs with no resource (Viego) have no bar below their ability icons.
  • Fixes a few Riot default pixel imperfections, such as ability buff duration bars. (Illaoi R, Gwen Q)
  • The XP meter is now a vertical line, left of the main HUD elements.

Side Effects:

  • XP bar looks pretty bad for no resource champs, idk what to do about it. Use pre 1.5 if u don't want it.
  • Tooltips on ability icons, summoner spells, and the passive icon are disabled. This is because when enabled they would constantly appear unintentionally and completely interfere with gameplay. Ability tooltips are still visible while hovering over the upgrade arrow button.

Does not work with Aphelios.


Actually center it (p much got the lateral movement down, im slow)

Line up summ duration indicators (snowball only)

Reorganize the items section and player portrait area to better fit the design and be more compact.

Do other elements, like GP shop, Neeko transform bar, or Kindred mark.

Try to put tooltips somewhere else.

Hexflash uses the gem thing

Make it work for aph (will never do this)

Mod Information

Author: Moga

Mod Version: 1.0.1


1.0: mod.

1.1: moved qw cost text 1px, moved all ammos and ammofx 1px.

1.5: Fixed 1 extra pixel gap between Summoner 2 and R, line up unleashed spellbook arrows, pixel perfect ability buff durations.

1.6: fix random pixel line on xp bar, sry if u have 1.5, gg.

1.7: cover the xp bar and moved passive icon.

Licensed CC-BY-SA-4.0
