move low version up a little more to not overlap cast bar either
release low version WITH tooltips enabled, may be cringe to play with imo, mayb not
xp bar back to 1 bar, just for funsies.
low version moved up just a little to avoid level up arrows pushing buffs onto resource bar.
moved kayn transform click to a nicer spot
buffs/debuffs now grow center aligned in a 1x12 row (2x6 before) and are stacked above the items bar
items bar gold section now uses other backdrop
shifted left so middle is middle, rather than between QW and ER
removed minimap buttom removal from wa mod
moved mana regen text to realign with wider mana bar
finally figured out SAR, and moved yorick/other summons counter
p much done at this point
removed the minimap buttons including camera lock, voice chat, jungle path, settings, and ping
moved kayn transform click to be not ugly as shit, sry
remove player frame entirely now, finally..
moved kayn clickable frame up a bit just to test how to move buttons, works
cast bar same width of and directly below hud
cast bar now scales with hud
xp bar now in two side by side bars for more precieved granularity, the segments are still in 2% increments
"no mana" or "spell not learned" text now centered
put upgrade arrows and evolve icons up a layer so they appear nicer when animating in
red cast bar, will do one for every color at some point
adjust right side of cast bar frame texture and size to appear more symetrical (doesnt always work atm)
cast bar spell name is now below the bar
cast bar cast time is now on the right
moved the profile thing to the right since i forgot to test with right side minimap. itll be gone soon anyway
Item tray now exists, looks good asf, gonna do more later. (also removed hotkey text) Removed recall and item queue icons and hotkey text. Made mana backdrop transparent like hp and xp bar backdrop, looks more even.
Added trinket (sweep/ward) to main hud, FUCKING FIX THE UGLY ASS XP BAR, its beautiful, now only mana is an extension, xp bar looks good for non mana champs, remove the xp border on the default player profile icon, almost done moving items into a center tray. oh i also added buffs top right
fixed minor oopsie doopsie on xp bar, sry if u have 1.5 and dont see this now u hate it lol