
Base champion: Yorick

Skin:  Default

Author: Sauronkaiser


-Modified model and textures.

-Modified Recall, taunt and joke emotes.

-Modified tombs, ghouls, maiden and wall.

-New Splashart loading screen.

-New Ability icons and HUD.

-No actual Rioter was hurt while making this custom skin.

This mod was made to celebrate the return of Hextech chests!


Sources and references:

-The model for the Hextech chest was made by Thuy Chau, and its posted in sketchab: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/hextech-c37c9be352d94870a802888e9dccac98

-The model for the key was made by Duker in Thangs: https://thangs.com/designer/Duker/3d-model/League%20of%20Legends%20-%20Hextech%20Key-11689

-All animations made by me.

-The recall amote references the mystery box in the Zombies gamemode from CoD games.

-The taunt emote originally featured Riot Meddler instead of just "employee", but it was decided to remove any individual's name due to the amount of serious threats seen in social media around the hecxtech polemic.


discord: sauronkaiser

My twitter: https://twitter.com/Sauronkaiser

My Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Sauronkaiser/featured